Man Bathes in Yellowstone Basin, Dissolves in Boiling Acid

Yellowstone National Park

  • Colin Scott, 23, died in June in an illegal attempt to soak, or "hot pot", in the US park's thermal pools.
  • The accident was recorded by the victim's sister on her mobile phone, the incident report says.
  • Established in 1872, Yellowstone National Park is located mostly in the state of Wyoming but extends into parts of Montana and Idaho too.
  • According to the incident report, Mr Scott and his sister, Sable Scott, left the defined boardwalk area in Norris Basin on 7 June.
  • The pair had been specifically looking for an area to soak in the thermal springs, despite the potential danger and warning signs.
  • Ms Scott was recording a video of her brother on the phone as he reached down to test the water, before he slipped and fell in.
  • Rescue teams later found his body in the pool but abandoned attempts to retrieve it due to the decreasing light available, the danger to themselves and an approaching lightning storm.
  • The following day, workers were unable to find any significant remains in the boiling water.
